Saturday, December 20, 2008

Idaho Day 1

(The following should be read in an old timey gruff Western voice)

Well, now that I'm back on the farm, here with my kin, thought I'd clue you city folks in on what we does out here day ter' day.  

We got up early for a family breakfast at 10.  When that was over my Pa and I headed down to my Grandma's house (formerly my Great Grandfather's house) to fix up her garage door.  Ya see, the garage doors were installed in the 1960s, and one of em' had up an broke on us.  We put on our thermal coveralls not to get dirty and to stay warm and fixed that there door.  I drove the Cadillac out to store in the barn for a few days and we salted my Grandma's driveway so she wouldn't slip on her way to get the mail.  There is only about 2 inches of snow on the ground down here in the valley but the mountains sure do look nice and coated.

After that we went and looked at some thrift store items, checked out some prices on sheets of plywood, bought a 10lb prime rib and some bulk gummy bears, and went on home.

At home we went and brought in the Christmas tree my Pa and GrandPa had cut earlier that week from the forest up yonder.  It had frozen into the bucket they placed it in but we had a geology hammer to fix that.  Ray M came by on his way home from shopping to say hello and he helped us cut it to fit in the house and bring er' in.  Then we had lunch.

After lunch we looked at a cardboard model my Pa had made of a shelf thingamajigger we were looking to build out of that plywood we earlier were a spyin'.  We got the OK on the design from my Ma and then set to transferring the designs into Excel so we could arange the pieces to best use our piece of wood (woods spendy ya' know).
After I got that a planned out I ripped on old DVD into my helper box (computer) to update the family's picture and music DVD to 2009.  What the DVD is is family photos from my Pa's side put to guitar music my brothers recorded.  It plays for about 10 min or so then loops.  My Grandparents watch it while they work out and my Pa puts it on the TV in the livingroom as a nice background.  I'm making one for my Ma's Ma as well to go with her new TV.  It'll give her some company since she lives all alone and her cat disappeared.  Did I tell you about her and cats?  Well, Remind me and I'll tell you the cat stories another time.

Instead I'll tell you the short one about the two amber chickens who have suddenly taken up residence at the house.  "You got some chickens," I said.  "No, those chickens got us.  Just showed up one day and never left.  We asked the neighbors but they have all theirs.  No idea where they came from," says my Ma, "If they're not careful they're gonna end up dinner."  And rightly so because they make one heck of a mess on the patio and walkways.  No respect for others property chickens.

Now I am off to dinner with my Grandparents at their favorite Mexican restaurant.  Best thing about my Grandparents is that they know everyone, their family, kids, connections to friends, old roommates, and all by name.  They get amazing service because they care about their waiters, owners, busboys, cooks, anyone.  They ask about the baby, how's your brother Gus in Mexico, son in the 5th grade this year right?  They can do this for probably 9 to 10 restaurants, coffee shops, butchers, grocers, and other stores around the midwest.  It's old school and I want to be like them when I grows up.

Went to Hastings to get a DVD/CD cleaner for the family DVD player as it just won't work too well.  Ran it, didn't work, ran it again, still nothing.  Gosh Darnnit.  Made a cup of green tea to sit and figure this confoundid contraption out, but the tea came out brown.  Who needs a darn fangled DVD player anyhow?

Going to sleep in the Queen sized bed that my Grandmother and late Grandfather slept in when my Ma was a child. 
-Idaho Bob-

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