Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Haagen Dazs Spec Shoot

I was shooting a spec commercial for Haagen Dazs the other day. The budget? $8 for 2 pints of Haagen Dazs.

-Idaho Bob-

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday Nights in NYC

Team PBS teamed up with the Shadi crew, some friends from Purchase, Billy from the Bedwin Shoot, and our new friend Hiro who works for the government to take to the NYC streets and backroom bars. Unfortunately I don't have any photos of Hiro riding the mechanical bull surrounded by the people who hang out in a NYC rodeo bar, but just imagine it because I'm sure it was awesome.

Shadi likes to DJ with a flashlight cuz....
That painting gets me every time

Team Japan
El found us

The back of Select sometimes looks like a dungeon.

I just did it for the picture...
Why is Billy trying to steal Curtis's shoe?
Cuz he's passed out under the stairs. Not sure why Curtis likes to sleep with that purse
After this things got a bit blurry (like the focus)...we lost Eric because he was talking to the lady in that fur coat thingy on the right...Shadi went....and we went to the rodeo bar to ride the bull...
-Idaho Bob-